TSS and metrics origin

Issue #35 resolved
Daniel Besse created an issue

watts stream, speed/slope stream, avg speed, default standard IF, default race IF, manual

Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Besse reporter

    Better display of alerts (see #35)

    Menu on top right (similar to strava) Specific controller and listing page Need to handle viewing (Careful: only for current user id, not for_id in view as mode)

    → <<cset a2465b388c32>>

  2. Daniel Besse reporter

    Improved alerts display and moved alert data to config (see #35)

    • Thresholds and descriptions in config
    • Bug fix in routes for pages 2+
    • Improved display in menu and view page
    • Added display in calendar

    → <<cset 6562bdfef607>>

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