Audio downmix labels

Issue #294 resolved
Peter Urbanec created an issue

The Setup menu AV settings list the two downmix settings as: Dolby Digital / DTS downmix AAC Downmix

however, the audio popup window calls them: Digital downmix AAC downmix Channel

The audio popup downmix settings should be changed to be the same as in the setup menu.

Also, the "Channel" option should arguably be called "Channels" since stereo is plural.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec reporter

    Fix issue #294: Audio downmix labels


    Change the downmix label "Digital downmix" to "Dolby Digital / DTS downmix".

    Change the channel selection label from "Channel" to "Channels".

    → <<cset b3e0f2e19b2d>>

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