Review recording popup timeouts

Issue #307 new
prl created an issue

Some recording popup timeouts don't appear to be chosen very well.

In particular, "In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!" has a 20 second timeout, which seems too long, and in one context, "Write error while recording. Disk full?" times out after 5 sec, and in another it doesn't time out. It probably shouldn't time out. The shutdown/standby timeouts are perhaps too long.

The popups and their timeouts in RecordingTimer are:

"Write error while recording. Disk full?"                                        timeout = 5
"In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!"      timeout = 20
"In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!"      timeout = 20
"A timer failed to record! Disable TV and try again?"                            timeout = 20
"In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!"      timeout = 20
"In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!"      timeout = 20
"A finished record timer wants to set your Beyonwiz T3 to standby. Do that now?" timeout = 180
"A finished record timer wants to shut down your Beyonwiz T3. Shutdown now?"     timeout = 180
"Write error while recording. Disk full?"                                        timeout = 0
"A recording has been started:"                                                  timeout = 3
"The timer file (timers.xml) is corrupt and could not be loaded."                timeout = 0
"Timer overlap in timers.xml detected! Please recheck it!"                       timeout = 0

Timeout=0 means "no timeout".

Also see also see #306

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