HELP system not handling device-specific setions of keymaps correctly

Issue #322 new
prl created an issue

The HELP button system adds help for all items in keymap <map/> entry, including device-specific items inside <device/> elements, even if the T3 does not recognise that remote control device.

The problem is seen in HelpableActionMaps using the InfobarSeekActions context, like the help screen when playing a recording.

This can be fixed either by removing unused device-specific elements from keymap.xml, specifically the one for "dreambox remote control (native)", or by having the HELP system aware of the recognised remote controls (either by opening up the C++ code for input devices so that the list of recognised remotes can be accessed or by reading the names from /sys/devices/virtual/input/input*/name). The latter is probably better, as it allows for the future possibility of other remote controls being used to control the same firmware base.

Reproduction steps

In the Movie Player, start playing a recording, then press HELP.

Scroll down to any of the help entries for Play/pause playback, Pause playback, Fast forward/slow forward from pause, Rewind/slow back from pause (they are in section Pause, rewind and fast forward if headings are enabled in help). They all indicate coloured buttons as performing the function, but the coloured buttons do not perform those functions.

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