HELP screens show actions for all remote devices, not just those configured

Issue #360 duplicate
prl created an issue

HELP screens show actions for <device name="..."/> elements in keymap.xml, even if a device of the named type is not available on the PVR.

The HELP screen system needs to be sensitive to the available input device types, because the key binding mechanism is.

Reproduction steps

In the Movie Player, start playing a recording, then HELP, then long-press BLUE. The HELP screen will show the key help as either "Skip forward (enter time in minutes)" or "Open seekbar", depending on the setting of MENU>Setup>TV>Recording settings>Seekbar/time entry skip activation.

However, long-BLUE only has that action for device type "dreambox remote control (native)", but the T3 has device type "dreambox advanced remote control (native)", and the button help should be "Show extensions", because that's what the button actually does.

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