Movie Player focus not reliably on first recording on entry

Issue #358 resolved
prl created an issue

On entry to the Movie player, the list focus should be on the first recording. However, if there are any folders listed after the first recording, the first recording won't be the one that has focus.

I am currently working on a fix.

Replication steps

Enter the Movie player (MEDIA from live TV). Select a sort order in which any folder (including deleted items) is listed after the first recording in that sort order. You may need to create new test folders to have this situation.

Exit the Movie Player, then re-enter the Movie Player. If there are N folders after the first listed recording, the focus will be N places below the first recording. The focus won't necessarily be on a recording.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #358 - Movie Player focus not reliably on first recording on entry

    [MovieList] Explicitly search for first recording to set MovieList.firstFileEntry, instead of relying on the first recording being at index numberOfDirs.

    The search is after all changes to MovieList.list in method load().

    [MovieSelection] Change the MENU>Settings>Sort "shuffle" entry text to "Shuffle" to match capitalisation in the rest of the list.

    → <<cset 8c703161ba57>>

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