Fix sort order in Timeshift save recording (select event) popup

Issue #367 resolved
prl created an issue

The Timeshift save recording (select event) popup menu to select a timeshift event to save always sorts the list of events lexicographically by the timeshift buffer name.

Sort in reverse time order (most recent first). This can probably be achieved by a numeric sort on the number in the PTS buffer file name.

The menu is reached by long-REC>Timeshift save recording (select event) from live TV.

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix #367: Fix sort order in Timeshift save recording (select event) popup

    Filter file list for popup on creation so that only the required file namess are presented for sorting and insertion into the popup list.

    Sort numerical descending on the PTS file name's number suffix instead of lexicographically ascending on the whole filename. This will sort most-recent-first.

    Shorten title of popup so that it doesn't get cut off by the edge of the popup's ChoiceBox.

    Use strip() to remove extraneous whitespace (including line terminator) from metafile data lines, instead of relying on [0:-1] to simply cut off the last character.

    → <<cset f3be727d6fb8>>

  2. Peter Urbanec

    Fix #367: Simplify event entries in Timeshift save recording (select event) popup

    Remove extraneous "Record #N" from event entries in the popup. Also remove no longer required filecount variable.

    Entries now read:

    HH:MM - Name of event

    instead of

    Record #N (HH:MM): Name of event

    → <<cset 472daea187fe>>

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