Timeshift with up/down keys has long press issues.

Issue #369 resolved
Peter Urbanec created an issue

When up/down keys are enabled for timeshift, the feature does not work well with long press of up key.

When the up/down key is held down we get a skip followed by the list of channels and the selection scrolling through that list while the button is being held down.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec reporter

    Fix Bug #369 - Timeshift with up/down keys has long press issues.

    The bug has two causes.

    The first is that enabling the SeekActionsPTS ActionMap does not happen synchronously with the InfobarTimeshiftActivateActions/timeshiftActivateEnd action. It is delayed until the next iPlayableService.evSeekableStatusChanged.

    This means that incoming keys (and especially in this case repeats of the UP and DOWN keys) can be processed with the old ActionMap settings.

    The second cause is that the InfobarChannelSelection/switchChannelUp & switchChannelDown unnecessarily set their "r" repeat flag, so that the next UP/DOWN prepeat is processed with the InfobarChannelSelection ActionMap instead of SeekActionsPTS.

    It's unclear whether the SeekActionsPTS ActionMap can be activated synchronously, so that code has been left unaltered, and the unnecessary "r" flags have been removed from InfobarChannelSelection/switchChannelUp & switchChannelDown.

    This commit also includes a fix to setup.xml to correct the description text for the Skip time setting entries for the UP and DOWN skips.

    → <<cset a9800ef02006>>

  2. Peter Urbanec reporter

    Fix Bug #369 - Timeshift with up/down keys has long press issues.

    Added a InfobarChannelSelectionUpDown context & ChannelSelectionUpDown that are disabled when UP/DOWN are enabled for skips and timeshift is activated.

    The change of the InfobarChannelSelection UP/DOWN actions (now in InfobarChannelSelectionUpDown) from having flags "mr" to having just "m" that was made in the previous commit has been retained, because having the repeat flag set on those keymap entries is unnecessary.

    Also properly split InfobarTimeshiftActivateUpDownActions from InfobarTimeshiftActivateActions to avoid unnecessary warnings in the debug log.

    → <<cset 1b4036b01123>>

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