Picture Player doesn't return you to your previous folder on re-opening player

Issue #378 resolved
prl created an issue

Picture Player has a config variable to remember your last visited folder on re-entering the picture viewer.

The code that's supposed to support teh function doesn't appear to work.

Reproduction steps

Enter the Picture Player with MENU>Pictures. You should be at the device selection level of the file browser. Navigate to a new folder, and EXIT the Picture Player.

Return to the Picture Player with MENU>Pictures. You will be back at the device selection level of the file browser, not at your last selected folder.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #378: Picture Player doesn't return you to your previous folder on re-opening player

    Re-enable the use of config.pic.lastDir to allow Picture Player to return to the previous folder viewed.

    Also add inhibitDirs=defaultInhibitDirs to FileList creation so that system folders aren't shown in the Picture Viewer.

    → <<cset 9d73c765d3a4>>

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