"Last speed" setting of "Behavior of PAUSE when paused" doesn't work

Issue #387 resolved
prl created an issue

When "MENU>Setup>System>Button setup>Behavior of PAUSE when paused" is set to "Last speed", pressing PLAY/PAUSE when in any trickplay mode (e.g. FF/REW/Slow fwd) changes to normal play mode. The video is only paused if PLAY/PAUSE is pressed again. But that is then a pause from normal play, so when PLAY/PAUSE is pressed again, play is resumed in normal play, not the previous trick mode.

The setting label and description also say that this is a function of the PAUSE button. It is not. It's a function of PLAY/PAUSE. It has no effect on the action of PAUSE on remotes that have a separate PAUSE button.

Proposed fix is that when "Behavior of PAUSE when paused" is set to "Last speed", pressing PLAY/PAUSE pauses. Then when it is pressed again, it will resume at the last speed played. As in other modes, normal play can be resumed using OK.

Reproduction steps

Set "MENU>Setup>System>Button setup>Behavior of PAUSE when paused" is set to "Last speed".

Return to live TV, and press PAUSE, DOWN or LEFT to enter timeshift mode.

Then enter a trickplay mode (FF, REW or Slow fwd).

Press PAUSE/PLAY. Video playback goes to normal play.

Press PAUSE/PLAY. Video pauses.

Press PAUSE/PLAY. Video resumes at normal play speed, not at the previous trickplay speed.

Comments (5)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #387: "Last speed" setting of "Behavior of PAUSE when paused" doesn't work

    When "MENU>Setup>System>Button setup>Behavior of PAUSE when paused" is set to "Last speed", pressing PLAY/PAUSE while in trickplay now pauses instead of resuming normal play, and pressing PLAY/PAUSE while paused will resume in the previous trickplay (or normal) mode, depending on the mode when playback was paused.

    Normal playback can be resumed in "Last speed" (and the other settings) by pressing OK.

    InfoBarSeek.checkSkipShowHideLock() was also simplified and restructured, largely because its local variable wantlock can never be assigned False.

    Changed "PAUSE" for the key to "PLAY/PAUSE" and added further explanation in the description for "Behavior of PLAY/PAUSE when paused".

    → <<cset fdf1459f5746>>

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