Stopping a recording in Movie Player doesn't clear "recording" status

Issue #404 resolved
prl created an issue

If you use RED Delete, then "Stop recording" in the Movie Player on an active recording, the recording status/play progress icon remains in the red "recording" state, even though the recording has been stopped.

If you leave Movie Player, or even just navigate away and back to the original folder, the status icon updates to the correct "unplayed" green.

Replication steps

Start a recording (either instant or timer), and wait (if it's a timer recording) until it starts.

Then enter the Movie Player (MEDIA from live TV), navigate to the recording. The recording is displayed with a red status icon or progress bar. Press RED Delete. The "Recording in progress" popup is displayed. Select "Stop recording".

The recording status icon or progress bar remains red. In the Movie Player, change to the ".." folder, then back to "movie". The recording's status icon/progress bar is now the correct green. The icon/progress bar can also be changed to the correct green display by exiting the Movie Player then leaving it.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #404: Stopping a recording in Movie Player doesn't clear "recording" status

    Add new method refreshDisplay() to [MovieList] and use it in [MovieSelection] to update the screen display after stopping a timer.

    Also use refreshDisplay() in [MovieList] where self.l.setList(self.list) was previously used.

    → <<cset 448ddb97a884>>

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