Short-press AUDIO causes crash when showing HDMI-IN

Issue #427 resolved
prl created an issue

The HDMI-IN service returns an empty list of audio tracks and when that happens, Screens.InfoBarGenerics.InfoBarAudioSelection.audioSelectionCycle() fails to set messagetype and the call of the popup at the end of the method crashes when messagetype is referenced.

Replication steps

Select HDMI-IN as the channel on a T4. It doesn't matter whether HDMI-IN has any input on the HDMI IN hardware port. Short-press AUDIO. Crash.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #427: Short-press AUDIO causes crash when showing HDMI-IN

    Make sure messagetype is always initialised in Screens.InfoBarGenerics.InfoBarAudioSelection.audioSelectionCycle() when the popup at the end of the method is called.

    → <<cset 54f4e7c0fe28>>

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