Converter ServiceName ServiceNumber doesn't work with ServiceEvent sources

Issue #437 resolved
prl created an issue

The ServiceNumber format in the ServiceName converter looks for the serviceref in source.serviceref. With ServiceEvent sources, the relevant serviceref is in source.service.

Replication steps

Add the following to the ChannelSelection screen skin in either the easy-skin-aus-hd or the Full-Metal-Wizard skin and restart the GUI.

        <widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="160,110" size="140,30" backgroundColor="black" font="Regular;18" foregroundColor="white" transparent="1">
            <convert type="ServiceName">ServiceNumber</convert>

Press FAV to enter the Channel Selection screen.

The ServiceNumber field is set to spaces.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #437: Converter ServiceName ServiceNumber doesn't work with ServiceEvent sources

    Add code to ServiceNumber format to look for the service number in source.service if looking for it in source.serviceref fails.

    → <<cset b54542ce2bb7>>

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