Using live TV panic button can cause a crash

Issue #454 resolved
prl created an issue


MENU>Setup>TV>Channel selection>Enable panic button

is enabled, and

MENU>Setup>TV>Channel selection>Enable multiple bouquets

is disabled, pressing 0 (the "panic button") in live TV will cause a crash.

The code to implement the panic button when Enable multiple bouquets is disabled is mostly missing, and what little there is causes this crash.

Replication steps


MENU>Setup>TV>Channel selection>Enable panic button

to enabled, and

MENU>Setup>TV>Channel selection>Enable multiple bouquets

to disabled

In live TV, press 0 (the "panic button"). Crash.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #454: Using live TV panic button can cause a crash


    In doPanicButton() use a valid formulation for the root bouquet when Enable multiple bouquets is disabled.

    Implement the action for doPanicButton() when Enable multiple bouquets is disabled. Use the current root bouquet for the search for the panic button service instead of the fixed Terrestrial TV LCN that was used in the original code, so that the use isn't suddenly taken to a different bouquet.

    Extract common service search code for the two states of Enable multiple bouquets into a new method.

    Use more up-to-date initialisation of the root bouquet when Enable multiple bouquets is enabled.

    Prevent doPanicButton() going into an infinite loop when Enable multiple bouquets is enaabled, but the root serviceref contains no bouquet servicerefs, or when no bouquet contains any servicerefs.

    Add more testing for error conditions.

    → <<cset 51c154477799>>

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