Repeat power timers not repeating

Issue #473 resolved
prl created an issue

Repeat power timers do not advance their time correctly to their next begin/end time on completion.

This is caused by an error in the fix for Bug #448.

Replication steps

Create a repeating power timer (in this example, a repeating "wakeup" timer) for a short time ahead (a few minutes will do).

Make a copy of /etc/enigma2/pm_timers.xml somewhere convenient.

Shut down, and wait for the power timer to start the PVR.

When the PVR has restarted, go to the power timers screen (SLEEP from live TV). The timer will show as "done", with the green "completed" clock icon, instead of "waiting" and the black "waiting" clock icon.

If you now compare /etc/enigma2/pm_timers.xml with the saved copy, the begin/end times for the timer will not have been advanced to the next begin/end times as expected.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #473: Repeat power timers not repeating

    The begin/end times for timers were being reset to the "orig" value inappropriately when PowerTimerEntry.timeChanged() was called at the end of TimerEntry.processRepeated().

    Used PowerTimerEntry.processRepeated() wrapper to correctly handle the begin/end times so that they are reset to "orig" before calling TimerEntry.processRepeated(), flagged as not to be used by PowerTimerEntry.timeChanged(), and then set new "orig" values when TimerEntry.processRepeated() returns.

    → <<cset 0d6fd31abe68>>

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