A zap timer can unnecessarily change the selected bouquet

Issue #475 resolved
prl created an issue

When a zap timer starts, it sets the current bouquet to the first bouquet that contains the zap channel, usually the first entry in the bouquets list (from live TV, FAV, BLUE Favorites), which is Terrestrial TV LCN by default.

The zap time should leave the current bouquet unchanged if the zap channel is in the current bouquet.

The user can gain some control over the search order for the bouquets: the search order is the same as in the bouquets list (from live TV, FAV, BLUE Favorites) and the first bouquet searched that contains the zap channel will be selected by the zap timer. This may be useful for people with multiple Favourites lists even when this bug is fized..

This problem is in the same code that causes Bug #474.

Replication steps

This assumes that the first two entries in the bouquet list are Terrestrial TV LCN and Last Scanned, in that order, and (apart from HDMI IN on a T4), they have the same set of channels.

Set the current bouquet to Last Scanned.

Set a zap timer for a short time ahead on any channel in Last Scanned that is also in Terrestrial TV LCN.

Wait for the zap timer to start.

Press FAV and the current bouquet will still be shown as Last Scanned.

Press EXIT, FAV, and the current bouquet will change to Terrestrial TV LCN and remain there for subsequent uses of FAV, unless changed by the user.

Comments (3)

  1. prl reporter

    This bug also applies to "zap and record" timers (the "zap" part of the code for that seems to be a copy/paste of the code for "zap" recordings).

  2. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #475: A zap timer can unnecessarily change the selected bouquet


    If config.usage.multibouquet is enabled, scan the bouquet list twice, the first time to check whether the zap channel is in the current bouquet and use that as the zap bouquet (so that the bouquet doesn't change), then to check whether it is in any other bouquet, and use the first one found.

    This means that if the bouquet will only change if the zap channel is not in the current bouquet.

    → <<cset daf46d830459>>

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