Optionally show size and duration in the media browser selection list

Issue #498 resolved
prl created an issue

In the media browser (MEDIA from live TV), allow the user to select whether show duration and/or file size is displayed in the selection list.

The setting options should be "no" and "yes" respectively to always hide or show an optional column, or "auto" to only show an optional column when it appears as a sort key (issue #499 requests sorting on duration and size).

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix issue #498: Add optional program duration and size columns to media browser.

    Optional duration column added in previous checkin.


    Add config variable to control the visibility of the size column. Use a ConfigSelection rather than ConfigYesNo (or similar boolean config) so that the choice can be extended when issue #499 is implemented.


    Add fallback getFileSize() to StubInfo.

    Add code to optionally display a size column. Only gather the data needed when the column is enabled.

    Use UnitConversions.UnitScaler to display file sizes.


    Use UnitConversions.UnitScaler to display file sizes for consistency with list display. The original code only reported sizes in MB and used 2^20 for "M". This is now done consistently with MovieSelection and displayed in 10^6 for "M".

    [DiskInfo, Trashcan]

    Allow the translation of the displayed sizes, E.g. allow for "Mo" for mega-octets in French.

    → <<cset c6325e6e0b55>>

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