Some sort changes don't work in media browser

Issue #502 resolved
prl created an issue

If MEDIA, MENU>Settings>Use individual settings for each directory is "no", the sort order for the media browser list can't be changed by any of:

  • The MENU>Sort sort selection menu
  • Setting a coloured button to the "Sort" action, and pressing that coloured button
  • Setting a coloured button to the "Sort..." action, pressing that coloured button, and using the sort selection menu.

Replication steps

Enter the media browser with MEDIA from live TV.

Set MENU>Settings>Use individual settings for each directory to "no".

MENU>Sort, then select a new sort order. The list reloads, but the sort order does not change.

Set, say, MENU>Settings>Button Blue to "Sort...".

Press BLUE Sort... to get the sort selection menu (same menu as MENU>Sort), then select a new sort order. The list reloads, but the sort order does not change.

Set, say, MENU>Settings>Button Blue to "Sort". Press BLUE Sort. On each press the list reloads, but the sort order does not change.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix #502: Some sort changes don't work in media browser


    In sortBy(), ensure that if config.movielist.settings_per_directory.value is False that config.movielist.moviesort.value is set to the newly selected sort type.

    → <<cset 7e5f1785aa66>>

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