Incorrect BLUE button test in Location selector screen

Issue #513 resolved
IanSav created an issue

When managing folder bookmarks using the "Select Location" screen the text for the BLUE button shows as "Add bookmark" when it should show "Remove bookmark". Functionality of the BLUE button is correct despite the incorrect label. Pressing the BLUE button while in the "Bookmarks" section of the screen removes the currently highlighted bookmark. When the screen is first displayed the bookmark panel BLUE button hint does show "Remove bookmark". After usage, when the display is updated with the previously selected bookmark removed, the button text changes to "Add bookmark".

The code that sets the BLUE button hint text in Components.LocationBox._initialButtonTexts() should test which panel (file list or bookmark list) has focus and set the text appropriately.

Related to resolved issue #250

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Press MEDIA to go to the movie list

  2. Press YELLOW ("Location") to go to the movie path selector

  3. Select option 1 "(Other...)" to go to the "Select Location" screen

  4. Switch to the "Bookmarks" (MENU > 1 or CH-)

  5. Press BLUE or MENU > 2 to remove a bookmark

  6. Confirm the bookmark deletion or you can cancel the deletion as the issue will still occur

  7. When the screen redraws the BLUE button hint is changed to "Add bookmark" (instead of the correct "Remove bookmark")

Bug reported by Alan (Altimes in the forum)

Additional details provided by Prl

Comments (5)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #513: Incorrect BLUE button text in Location selector screen


    Initialise the BLUE buton help text from the onLayoutFinish callouts instead of from onExecBegin, by moving the button text initialisation code into switchToFileListOnStart().

    The setting the button text from onLayoutFinish is late enough to avoid problems with the double widget definition of the button, and avoids having the text reset to "Add bookmark" called each time LocationBox was returned to from a popup, as was the case when called from onExecBegin.

    → <<cset 66a72c1979a2>>

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