Rename "Sleep Timer" to "Power Timer" to better reflect timer capability

Issue #519 resolved
IanSav created an issue

On the forum a user ("000") has suggested that the "Sleep Timer" in various menus and headings would be better labelled as "Power Timer" to better reflect the larger range of capabilities that this timer type can offer.

The feature would obviously remain linked to the "SLEEP" button on the remote control.

Comments (6)

  1. prl

    I've found "Sleep Timer" in menu.xml and in the help text for the SLEEP button in Screens/ Are there any other instances?

    This may also be a good opportunity to change the text in the shutdown messages in from "A finished powertimer wants to ..." to "A finished power timer wants to ...", and to align the shutdown warning texts in Screens/ with those in

  2. IanSav reporter

    I posted the request and had to head outside to remove the front fence so I didn't have time to research the change.

    There is a screen called "SleepTimerEdit" in the OverlayHD skin that needs to be changed but I can fix that. Other than this nothing jumped out at me.

  3. prl

    Yep. It's in the packaged skins, too. But it doesn't appear to be used. Adding/changing a power timer just uses the TimerEntry screen, and the code sets the appropriate screen title.

    It's probably not a bad idea to change at least its title, just in case someone decides to use it at some time. I'd hesitate at changing the name in case some plugin references it.

  4. IanSav reporter

    Yeah, I have come across a few screen names that looked like they are legacy and do not appear to appropriately reflect their current use. As you say, it is too risky to change them here. Perhaps in the future the upstream master can be corrected and the improvements flow down.

  5. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Issue #519: Rename "Sleep Timer" to "Power Timer" to better reflect timer capability


    Change "powertimer" to "power timer" in PowerTimer Notifications.

    Make format of the Notifications text more consistent, in the general form "Reason for <action>.\nPerform <action>?".

    Change "sleep timer" to "completed task" in TaskView Notifications.


    Change "Sleep Timer" to "Power Timers".


    Change help text "Show/add sleep timers..." to "Show/add power timers..."


    Change screen title from "PowerTimer List" to "Power Timer List".

    → <<cset 572d1e9673fe>>

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