Incorrect audio types shown in AUDIO popups

Issue #527 resolved
prl created an issue

For services that have more than one audio track type, or which have only one audio track type and that audio track type is not MPEG audio, the wrong audio track type is shown in the short-AUDIO and long-AUDIO popups. The incorrect value is usually either "MPEG" or "???".

In those channels, the Dolby Digital icon in the infobar will also not indicate correctly.

This bug was introduced in the fix for Bug #487.

Replication steps

Select a channel known to have either more than one audio track, or a single audio track that is not MPEG (I think that RACING.COM is a consistent example of the latter, with audio always AAC-HE).

In live TV, press short-AUDIO, the popup will display an incorrect value for the audio type.

In live TV, press long-AUDIO, the popup will display an incorrect value(s) for the audio type.

The Dolby Digital indicator in the infobar will also not have the correct indication.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #527: Incorrect audio types shown in AUDIO popups


    Fix indexing variable errors in getTrackInfo().

    Also move the constant indexing of program.audioStreams out of the loop.

    → <<cset 6daf37cb4586>>

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