[ParentalControlSetup] Entering correct PIN gives error popup for non-error message

Issue #535 resolved
prl created an issue

When you enter the correct PIN in MENU>Setup>TV>Parental control>Enable parental protection or MENU>Setup>TV>Parental control>Change PIN, you get a MessageBox popup saying "The PIN code has been changed successfully," but the message box type is MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, when it should be MessageBox.TYPE_INFO.

Replication steps

Assuming that parental control has not been enabled:

Enter MENU>Setup>TV>Parental control, and press OK on Enable parental protection.

In the Enter pin code screen, enter '0000'.

You get an ERROR popup saying "The PIN code has been changed successfully," but this isn't an error.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #535: [ParentalControlSetup] Entering correct PIN gives error popup for non-error message

    Changed "The PIN code has been changed successfully." popup type from MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR to MessageBox.TYPE_INFO.

    → <<cset 3cb1efe45b33>>

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