[IceTV] Crash on entering incorrect login credentials

Issue #540 resolved
prl created an issue

The UI crashes when incorrect login credentials are used in the IceTV login popup.

There are similar issues if fetching the IceTV region list fails or in the IceTV server requests credentials and the IceTVNeedPassword screen is given incorrect credentials.

These bugs were introduced in pull request #257, Fix issue #486: Clarify log IceTV message when IceTV server can't be reached.

Replication steps

With IceTV installed and configured, go to MENU>IceTV>Login to IceTV server.

Enter incorrect value for Password.

GREEN Login, crash.

If IceTV isn't installed, install it, and in the setup wizard, select Existing or trial user. When the User Information popup appears enter incorrect Username and/or Password values.

GREEN Login, crash

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #540: [IceTV] Crash on entering incorrect login credentials

    Return the formatted message string from _logResponseException() so that it can be re-used in contexts where it was previously also displayed in a MessageBox.

    The headings for the log entries are now passed through gettext so that they are translated if they appear in a MessageBox.

    → <<cset c4b2bd0d7703>>

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