FF recording will cause a 10s skip

Issue #560 resolved
Wade Coxon created an issue

This is present in both 4.4 and 16.1 series firmware.

Steps to reproduce:

Begin playback of any recording.

Press the >> (FF) button on the remote.

Note the playback timeline bar. The time will increment smoothly for approximately 5s, and then abruptly jump forward by approximately 10s (video can also be observed to skip over the same 10s portion of the file).

Resuming normal playback speed, then pressing >> again will result in the same 10s skip/bug behaviour.

Additional Information:

Execute a manual skip (say by using the remote control RIGHT button).

Press the >> (FF) button.

Observe now that the 10s skip/bug does not occur.

Resume normal playback.

Press >> (FF), and observe that the 10s skip bug has returned.

Subsequent activation of >> (FF) will show the same 10s skip bug.

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Is it always exactly a 10 second gap or does it depend on the data rate? For example, compare a low bit rate shopping channel vs high bit rate HD channel.

  2. Wade Coxon reporter

    In my testing, the bitrate did not appear to have an effect.

    The skip duration does vary from test to test, sometimes between 6 and 15 seconds on subsequent pause-play cycles within the same file.

    However, after testing some recordings from 7HD, 7Mate, One, Viceland and West TV, the overall trend is that the skip is of 10s duration at least 80% of the time.

  3. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #560: FF/slow cause a skip

    Playing a recording, then doing FF or slow would work fine for about 5s, then jump 10s or so, then continue working. This seems due to a buffering issue; seeking to the same position forces a flush, allowing the FF or slow to work without interruption.

    → <<cset 0768d8200144>>

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