Channel preview in EPG called from MoviePlayer plays live TV in the MoviePlayer

Issue #561 resolved
prl created an issue

If the EPG is opened when media or a recording is being played, and then a live TV channel is previewed by using Zap (default short-OK) and then the EPG is exited using EXIT, the playback isn't returned to, but rather the previewed channel is displayed under the control of the MoviePlayer.

STOP then returns control to the media selection screen.

If Zap (default short-OK) is not used to preview the channel, the playback continues in the PiG and when EXIT is press and control returns to the MoviePlayer.

Replication steps

Assumes the default OK button (short) -> Zap and OK button (long) -> Zap+Exit settings of EPG, MENU.

MEDIA, navigate to a recording, OK to play.

While the recording/media is playing, EPG to open the EPG, and then navigate to any channel and short-OK preview it in the EPG.

Then press EXIT.

The recording doesn't resume. Instead, live TV is entered under the control of MoviePlayer. Press OK to show the infobar - the simpler MoviePlayer infobar is shown not the normal live TV infobar.

STOP returns to the media browser screen, and normal function.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #561: Channel preview in EPG called from MoviePlayer plays live TV in the MoviePlayer


    In closeScreen(), play the media or recording again if EPGSelection was started with playback in progress and Channel preview mode is enabled for the EPG style. Play was already started for media or recordings if Channel preview mode is disabled.

    In both cases use new InfoBarCueSheetSupport.forceNextResume() method to force resuming at the point where playback was stopped for channel preview.


    Add the ability to override the user setting of "Behaviour when a movie is started" for the next playback start, so that uses use the resume point unconditionally (if it's valid).

    New method forceNextResume() and supporting code in ____serviceStarted().

    → <<cset 43968e17510f>>

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