T2 has Front panel settings setup screen but it has no front panel screen

Issue #567 resolved
prl created an issue

The T2 has a MENU>Setup>System has a "Front panel setup" entry and setup screen, but there's no front panel.

The T2 has all the device file entries for the front panel screen, but no display. It should be special cased out of the various applicable SystemInfo variables.

Note: unrelated, but in the same code there is incorrect special-casing of the ET8500 as getBoxType() not in ('et8500'). This looks incorrect, since it's actually the same as getBoxType() not in 'et8500' (i.e. will match box types like "et8" or "500"). It should be getBoxType() not in ('et8500', ) or getBoxType() != 'et8500'

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #567: T2 has Front panel settings setup screen but it has no front panel screen

    [Lcd, SystemInfo]

    Add exceptions for the T2 (getMachineBuild() == 'inihde2') in display-related SystemInfo entries where the T2 has the /dev or /proc files that indicate it has a front panel display even though there is no display hardware.

    → <<cset 8891989c58c9>>

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