PiP-related settings shown on systems with no PiP

Issue #568 resolved
prl created an issue

On a T2, which has no PiP support, the settings:

MENU>System>Button settings>Behaviour of 0 in PiP mode
MENU>System>GUI settings>Close PiP on EXIT

are shown even though the T2 has no PiP support.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #568: PiP-related settings shown on systems with no PiP


    Make the visibility of the settings

    MENU>System>Button settings>Behaviour of 0 in PiP mode MENU>System>GUI settings>Close PiP on EXIT

    depend on SystemInfo["PIPAvailable"].

    → <<cset efd62c1d8249>>

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