ChannelSelection context menu doesn't show "bullet" for Reload services

Issue #581 resolved
prl created an issue

In ChannelSelectionContextMenu the "bullet" icon is shown in place of a button hint in all menu entries that don't have a shortcut button, except for "Reload services" which has no icon.

"Reload services" should be the same as the other entries without a button hint.

Replication steps

From live TV:

FAV, MENU>Enable bouquet edit To change the menu contents when the menu is next opened.

MENU, observe that "End/Abort bouquet edit" have a "bullet" icon in the "button hint" column, but "Reload services" does not.

EXIT, EXIT to return to live TV.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #581: ChannelSelection context menu doesn't show "bullet" for Reload services

    Add a "bullet" button hint to the "Reload services" menu item to match the other menu items that don't have a shortcut.

    Also change the "bullet" button hint on "Add service to favourites" to "7" to enable the shortcut on the menu item.

    → <<cset 0274ae9e6fc5>>

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