Incorrect description for Fallback remote receiver URL

Issue #585 resolved
prl created an issue

The description for MENU>Setup>Tuners>Tuner allocation>Fallback remote receiver URL says:

"Specify the complete URL of the fallback remote receiver including the port number (:8001 by default), e.g. 'IP_second_box:8001'."

It should be more like:

"Specify the complete URL of the fallback remote receiver including the port number (:8001 by default), e.g. 'http://IP_second_box:8001'."

git log -p data/setup.xml says that it was changed to the second text in Jan 2017, but that's not reflected in what's actually in the file.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #585: Incorrect description for Fallback remote receiver URL

    Change the description text to give a correct example of the form for the required URL for fallback.

    Also gave "Fallback remote receiver URL" a "requires" on config.usage.remote_fallback_enabled so that it only appears when the feature is enabled.

    → <<cset 58da9e99e844>>

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