IceTV timer description issues

Issue #590 resolved
prl created an issue

When IceTV sends a recording timer to a Beyonwiz T series, the timer description is added from the EPG when the timer's RecordTimerEntry is created.

If there is no entry for the event in the EPG when the timer is created, the timer description is empty. If the EPG is later updated to include the entry for the timer, the timer description is not updated.

This issue was partly fixed when IceTV stopped sending timers for programs several days beyond the scope of the EPG (that was a frequent cause of this problem for SBS and ABC recordings). However, it appears that the issue can occur for timers for recordings that start late in the night (perhaps after ~21:00).

Missing descriptions can be filled in by a GUI restart (or reboot), which causes new RecordTimerEntry creations, and new description lookups from the EPG. Sometimes two GUI restarts are needed to update the descriptions with the latest EPG information.

For that reason, this issue most affects people who put their T series into standby rather than shutdown when not in use, since regular shutdowns will help fill in missing descriptions.

A second problem is that once a timer description is set from the EPG, it will not change if the description in the EPG changes (e.g. an error is corrected in the EPG). This issue is unaffected by GUI restarts or reboots.

Replication steps

There aren't any certain replication steps for the "missing descriptions" problem. The most likely way to replicate the "missing descriptions" problem is to set a number of IceTV recordings for programs that start after ~21:00.

Then do not restart the GUI or reboot (i.e. go to standby when not in use) for several days, and check whether any of the new timers are missing their descriptions.

The "description update" problem can be demonstrated by stopping the GUI with

init 4

Then editing an IceTV timer description so that it is incorrect, then restarting the GUI with

init 3

The timer will be recreated in the timer list with the incorrect description and it will remain incorrect through IceTV updates, GUI restarts and reboots.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #590: IceTV timer description issues

    [IceTV.plugin] Add code to check the EPG add eit ids and descriptions to timers missing them, and update timer eit ids and descriptions if they change in the EPG.

    Some care is needed to account for the fact that in a description contains a line end marker ("\r\n", "\n" or "\r"), which is preserved when timers.xml is written, but is converted to a single space when timers.xml is read.

    Using the fix for Bug #591: Lookup errors in eEPGCache::lookupEventTime() should reduce the likelihood of having missing eit ids and descriptions in timers when they are created, but it is not necessary for this fix to work.


    Update IceTV plugin version.

    → <<cset 4bc81b6d6fb2>>

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