.eit file not created when timeshift saved

Issue #593 resolved
prl created an issue

When timeshift is saved, InfoBarTimeshift.ptsCreateEITFile() calls eEPGCache::saveEventToFile() with the serviceref set to its string representation.

However, eEPGCache::saveEventToFile() expects an eServiceReference as its service argument, so the SWIG interface throws an exception - the exception is caught and an error message is printed to the debug log, but the .eit file is not saved.

This means that saved timeshift files have no description displayed in the description panel of the media selection screen (MEDIA from liveTV).

Replication steps

In live TV, wait until timeshift has activated, and then initiate viewing timeshift (e.g. with LEFT).

Then change channel with CH+/-.

In the "You seem to be in timeshift. What do you want to do?" popup, select "Save timeshift and stop recording".

When the "Timeshift saved to your harddisk!" popup appears, cancel it or wait for it to time out, then MEDIA to enter the media selection screen.

Navigate to the saved timeshift file - it will not have any title or description display in the description pane of the screen.

If the timeshift save directory (default /media/hdd/movie) contends are examined using File Commander (MENU>Sources / Files) or the command-line interface, there is no .eit file for the saved timeshift.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #593: .eit file not created when timeshift saved

    Change the form of the service argument passed from InfoBarTimeshift.ptsCreateEITFile() to eEPGCache::saveEventToFile() from the serviceref string format to eServiceReference as saveEventToFile() expects.

    → <<cset 77a9d317e42a>>

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