Incorrect ratings icons sometimes displayed

Issue #627 resolved
prl created an issue

If skins are used that display ratings icons in screens like the EPGs, the previous icon is sometimes left displaying when you move from an EPG item that has valid data and shows a ratings icon to an EPG entry where there is no EPG data available.

Replication steps

Use either the OverlayHD skin or either of the pre-loaded skins that include the display of ratings icons (easy-skin-aus-hd pull request #92 and skin-full-metal-wizard pull request #34).

Clear the EPG and use the FTA EPG (the IceTV EPG contains no ratings data), by doing MENU>IceTV>Enable IceTV, MENU>IceTV>Disable IceTV.

Change to a service on a different frequency to start the EPG fetch. Wait for the EPG to fill for that transponder's services. For simplicity only allow a single set EPG entries to fill.

Enter the Graphical EPG, and navigate to an entry that displays a ratings icon and that has an empty EPG row either directly below it or above it in the EPG display.

Navigate directly to an empty EPG row. All the event information for the previous event is cleared except for the ratings icon. Navigating within empty EPG rows leaves the icon displaying. When a valid EPG entry is navigated to, the ratings icon is set to the correct display for that item.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #627: Incorrect ratings icons sometimes displayed

    Clear the picon displayed in Components.Renderer.Pixmap when changed() receives a CHANGED_CLEAR.

    CHANGED_CLEAR is issued upstream in sources like Event and EventInfo when no event can be found, and so this change clears the picon when no ratings information can be found because no event has been found.

    Previously CHANGED_CLEAR was ignored.

    → <<cset a2e31a3bf8b0>>

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