Spaces at the end of a text line not handled correctly in block formatting

Issue #644 resolved
prl created an issue

In a text item with halign="block", if a rendered line of text has more than one space at the end, the spaces are displayed and the line does not justify correctly.

Spaces within the rendered line are preserved and this is not considered to be a bug.

Replication steps

Insert the following in any skin screen in the easy-skin-aus-hd skin (easy-skin-aus-hd must be used, because the bug is sensitive to character widths in the font) that is large enough to accommodate it:

            <eLabel position="100,100" size="200,100" font="Regular;18" foregroundColor="white" halign="block" transparent="1" zPosition="20" text="Multi space bug: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor                    incididunt ut     labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris..."/>

The display is as in the image below: the spaces between "tempor" and "incididunt" fall at the end of the line and the line should be justified to fill to the right. The spacing between "ut" & "labore" is not considered a bug.


Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #644: Spaces at the end of a text line not handled correctly in block formatting

    Replace a test to ignore a single space at the end of a justified line with a test that ignores all trailing space.

    → <<cset baefb3f04541>>

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