Add enigma2 version to IceTV User-Agent header

Issue #646 resolved
prl created an issue

Daniel Hall at IceTV has requested this.

A sensible way to do it seems to be as

SystemPlugins.IceTV/IcePluginVersion (Beyonwiz; ModelNo; Enigma2RevisionString)

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Urbanec


    The IceTV application versioning is already done by the plugin version number as agreed at the start of the project. This topic was discussed at length and it was agreed that the versioning would be done via the plugin version number, not via the git revisions or build revisions of any other system software.

  2. prl reporter

    As an aid to debugging, so that IceTV support can have a certain indication of the Beyonwiz firmware version. My understanding is that it is for logging purposes only; that's why it's in the comments part of the User-Agent string. You could ask Daniel if you want more information.

  3. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #646: Add enigma2 version to IceTV User-Agent header

    At the request of Daniel Hall at IceTV, add the enigma2 version number to the comments part of the User-Agent header as a server-side debugging aid.

    → <<cset 8f1d7f8c56c9>>

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