Hide Enable EIT EPG when IceTV is enabled

Issue #649 resolved
prl created an issue

Occasionally users enable MENU>Setup>TV>EPG settings>Enable EIT EPG when IceTV is enabled. This can cause inconsistencies in the EPG cache.

Enable EIT EPG should be hidden when IceTV is enabled.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix issue #649: Hide Enable EIT EPG when IceTV is enabled

    Only show setting MENU>Setup>TV>EPG settings>Enable EIT EPG if IceTV is disabled (or not installed).

    Also prevent crashes in Screens/Setup.py if a non-existent config variable name is used in a setup.xml "requires" attribute (e.g. if it refers to a plugin setup variable). Print an error message to the debug log instead.

    I originally thought this would be necessary to implement the test on config.plugins.icetv.enable_epg, but it is created even if the IceTV plugin is not installed.

    → <<cset f780aad1c5a8>>

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