"Playback" icons don't display correctly when opening MovieSelection

Issue #653 resolved
prl created an issue

If the MovieSelection screen is opened while a recording is being played, for example, when it's opened from inside MoviePlayer, the "chaseplaying" or "playing" icon doesn't display on the currently playing recording.

The icom can be made to appear by any action that causes the media list to be redisplayed (e.g. change to another directory and back).

The cause is that MovieList.playInForeground, which MovieList uses to display the "chaseplaying" & "playing" icons, isn't set until at least 100ms after the initial load of the media selection list.

Replication steps

From live TV, MEDIA to enter the media selection list, navigate to a recording and OK to start it playing.

Then while the recording is playing, MEDIA to open the media selection list.

The playing recording is not indicated by the green "playing" triangle. Use BACK to go up one level in the directory tree, and then OK on the original directory to return to the original media list. The green "playing" triangle will now be shown on the currently playing recording.

Similarly for chaseplaying a recording.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #653: "Playback" icons don't display correctly when opening MovieSelection

    When the screen first open delay calling reloadList() until after list.playInForeground has been set, so that the playback state is known when the list is loaded.

    → <<cset 8b4b6643d664>>

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