Add running/completed/failed status updates to IceTV plugin

Issue #654 resolved
prl created an issue

Daniel Hall at IceTV has requested that the IceTV plugin send running/completed/failed updates to indicate the progress of a recording on the IceTV Web interface, and to assist in debugging on the server side.

In the current code status changes are only sent to the IceTV server occasionally and will often be completely missed. "Failed" status is only ever sent if the recording timer'sstate is RecordTimerEntry.StateFailed, and the recording timer code never sets the timer state to RecordTimerEntry.StateFailed.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix issue #654: Add running/completed/failed status updates to IceTV plugin

    Bump IceTV plugin version.

    Have EPGFetcher subscribe to Navigation recording events and send recording status update messages to the IceTV server as needed.

    Attention is paid to timers that start running before they have an IceTV timer id (e.g. instant timers) to make sure that they receive an IceTV timer id before trying to report their status, and timers that start before the IceTV plugin has been initialised (e.g. timers that start immediately when timers.xml has been read because their start time has already passed).

    Also remember failure events for disk write errors (e.g. on disk full), because they are not reported with a iRecordableService.errDiskFull error on timer completion.

    → <<cset 065998a39db1>>

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