Changes to FileCommander extension filter doesn't update when changed

Issue #660 resolved
prl created an issue

In FileCommander, if MENU>Filter extension is changed, it doesn't take effect until FileCommander is exited and re-entered. Similarly for the FileCommanderScreenFileSelect multi-select screen.

Replication steps

From live TV MENU>Sources/Files.

Navigate to any directory that has files that would be excluded by choosing one of the filters in the FileCommader's MENU>Filter extension settings (Record[ing]s, Movie, Music, Pictures).

Use MENU>Filter extension to change the filter, GREEN Save to accept the change and return to the FileCommander.

The displayed file list doesn't change.

EXIT to exit FileCommander, then MENU>Sources/Files to re-enter it.

Navigate back to the directory viewed previously. The files are now correctly filtered by extension.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #660: Changes to FileCommander extension filter doesn't update when changed

    Create methods in key_actions to return the currently active extension filter regular expression and to return a tuple containing the extension filter settings.

    Use the new fileFilter() method to set the initial filter settings and to update the settings in the file lists when the settings change.

    Use the new filterSettings() method to compare the filter settings before and after the settings page is opened, and update the filters in the file lists when they change.

    Remove unnecessary use of settings config.plugins.filecommander.path_left_tmp and config.plugins.filecommander.path_right_tmp in goMenu() and goReset().

    Removed unused goMenu() method in FileCommanderScreenFileSelect.

    → <<cset e8adc3fdc069>>

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