File Commander crashes on some actions on <List of Storage Devices>

Issue #699 resolved
prl created an issue

In File Commander, when <List of Storage Devices> is in focus in a file list, running any of the following MENU actions on the <List of Storage Devices> entry will crash the UI:

  • "3": "File/directory status information"
  • "4": "Change execute permissions (755/644)"
  • "6": "Run 'file' command"
  • "7": "Run 'ffprobe' command"
  • "9": "Calculate file checksums"

The crashes are all due to the None value that represents <List of Storage Devices> not being handled correctly in the code that executes the actions.

Replication Steps

In the File Commander (MENU>Files / Sources from live TV), navigate so that <List of Storage Devices> is in focus, then use MENU and select any of the above actions from the menu.

If file or ffprobe aren't installed, the "Install 'package' and enable this operation" MENU actions will work to install the required packages, but once the file and ffprobe packages are installed, the crash will happen when those MENU actions are run.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #699: File Commander crashes on some actions on <List of Storage Devices>

    Test for the filename in focus being returned as None to indicate <List of Storage Devices> and pop up an error instead of crashing.

    In FileCommanderFileStatInfo, move the extraction of the current directory and source directory into fillList(), so that the popup can be run if there is an error.

    → <<cset e81dda6b102a>>

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