[IniLCNScanner] Terrestrial LCN TV bouquet doesn't get rebuilt after scan

Issue #706 resolved
prl created an issue

A bug in the fix for Bug #702 causes the construction of Terrestrial LCN TV bouquet at the end of a scan to fail completely because of an exception. The exception is caught and ignored, but it can be seen in the debug log. THe exception doesn't cause a UI crash.

The number of arguments to the construction of the LCN object in IniLCNScanner.buildlcn() doesn't match the number of arguments in LCN.__init__().

Replication steps

Modify /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.terrestrial_lcn.tv by doing

init 4
<edit userbouquet.terrestrial_lcn.tv>
init 3

then do a location scan. Press OK at the end of the scan - the Terrestrial LCN TV bouquet won't be rebuilt, and there will be an exception logged in the debug file:

{16695}< 25719.126> KEY: 352 make KEY_OK ('OK',)
{16695}< 25719.126> [ActionMap] SetupActions ok
{16695}< 25719.127> __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (5 given)
{16695}< 25719.133> [SCREENNAME]  ['IniTerrestrialLocation_summary', 'SimpleSumm
{16695}< 25719.135> [SCREENNAME]  IniTerrestrialLocation

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #706: [IniLCNScanner] Terrestrial LCN TV bouquet doesn't get rebuilt after scan

    The final argument to the LCN() constructor wasn't removed properly in commit 560449b to match the new signature of LCN__init__() in the same commit.

    → <<cset 215dd0ca4096>>

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