[MovieList] Presence of Tuner tags stops autotagging from working

Issue #722 resolved
prl created an issue

If a recording has a tuner tag (Tuner-A, Tuner-B, etc) in its tags (5th line in its .ts.meta file), then autotagging will not be done for that recording.

The fix is to do auto-tagging when either the .ts.meta tag line is empty or it contains only a single Tuner tag. If it contains a Tuner tag, that Tuner tag should be added to the auto-generated tags.

This bug is probably an unintended side-effect of automatically adding Tuner tags to recordings' .ts.meta files.

Replication steps

Find (or create) at least two recordings in the same directory that have at least one word in common in their titles (e.g. "The") and that both have a Tuner tag in their .ts.meta files.

Enter the media selection screen (MEDIA from live TV) and long-YELLOW to show the tags list. There won’t be a tags entry other than the Tuner tag for the recordings that have Tuner tags and have common words in their titles.

Exit the media selection screen (this is needed to ensure that the changes to the .ts.meta files below will be re-read.

Then back up the .ts.meta files for at least two recordings that share at least one common word in their titles, and remove the Tuner tags from the .ts.meta files.

Enter the media selection screen (MEDIA from live TV) and long-YELLOW to show the tags list. There now should be an auto-generated tags entry for the recordings that have had their tuner tags removed.

Then Exit the media selection screen and restore the backed up .ts.meta files.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix Bug #722: [MovieList] Presence of Tuner tags stops autotagging from working

    Generate autotags when the recording's .ts.meta file contains either no tags or only a Tuner-X format tag.

    Where it contains a tuner tag, add that to the autotags.

    → <<cset 61b97fe5bba0>>

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