Hang in ChannelSelection when timeshifted

Issue #735 resolved
prl created an issue

If the user is viewing timeshifted, enters ChannelSelection, chenges channel then and presses EXIT or RED in the “Leave timeshift / etc” popup, control passes back to InfoBar, but the Channel selection screen remains displayed.

This makes it appear that the the ChannelSelection screen has hung.

As a workaround, normal use can be achieved by pressing CH+/- and selecting an entry from the “Leave timeshift / etc” popup.

The cause is that when EXIT or RED are pressed in the “Leave timeshift / etc” MessageBox, False is returned, not “no” and this means that InfoBarTimeshift.checkTimeshiftRunningCallback() returns without calling InfoBarTimeshift.saveTimeshiftActions().


In live TV, wait for the timeshift recording to be started.
FAV, move to a different channel, OK.
In the "Leave timeshift / Always leave timeshift and don't ask again / etc" popup, EXIT.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #735: Hang in ChannelSelection when timeshifted

    When answer is False in InfoBarTimeshift.checkTimeshiftRunningCallback() convert it to "no" so that checkTimeshiftRunningCallback() doesn't return without calling InfoBarTimeshift.saveTimeshiftActions().

    → <<cset 948f133ccd02>>

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