Shutdown timers can shut down active recordings

Issue #752 resolved
prl created an issue

If a shutdown power timer is set for the same time as a recording starts (or it backs off and eventually tries to shut down at the same time as a recording starts), that recording will be ignored in PowerTimer.recordingsActive(), because the test for whether a recording timer activation is not past is done against the current time, which will always be slightly later than the recording's start time.


Create a recording timer and a shutdown power timer with the same start time (and have no other recordings active within 15 minutes of the start times).

The power timer will shut down the PVR just as the recording is starting.

Comments (3)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #752: Shutdown timers can shut down active recordings


    Add a from_time parameter to getNextZapTime(), getNextRecordingTime() and getNextRecordingTimeOld() to allow the next timer search to be done from a specified time.


    Add a from_time parameter to recordingsActive() to pass to calls of getNextZapTime() and getNextRecordingTime().

    Use the new parameter to check for the next timer using the currently active PowerTimer's, the activation time, rather than the current time.

    This will mean that a recording timer that starts at the same time as the power timer to be considered to be not in the past.

    → <<cset 012af3e89aff>>

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