Startup wizard scan region and final welcome screens broken

Issue #756 resolved
prl created an issue

In the initial setup screens, changes made to Screens/ in commit a7d81d3 to make the screens in it (IniTerrestrialLocation and IniEndWizard) look more like config screens have broken the description text in the location scan selection ("Please select your location and then press OK to begin the scan. ...") and in the final "setup done" screen ("Congratulations, your Beyonwiz XN is now set up. ...") in the startup wizard and nothing is displayed in the boxes that should contain the text.

The change to IniTerrestrialLocation should adapt to whether is skin name is IniTerrestrialLocation or IniTerrestrialLocationWizard.

IniEndWizard should not have been changed in Screens/ - it's a Wizard, not a config screen.


Do a factory reset and pay attention to the instructions in the frames.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #756: Startup wizard scan region and final welcome screens broken


    In class IniTerrestrialLocation, use the widget name "description" for the screen description when it is being skinned as a setup screen (default skin name IniTerrestrialLocation) and the widget name "text" when it is being skinned as a Wizard (skin name IniTerrestrialLocationWizard).

    Use conditionals in the embedded skin so that the correct widget skin definition is used in either case.

    In class IniEndWizard, revert the description widget name back to text, because it's a screen that's only ever skinned as a Wizard.

    → <<cset d185e255c230>>

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