[IceTV] Rare crash on Show logs

Issue #761 resolved
prl created an issue

If any of the error messages from the sanity checks on EPG times in convertChanShows() are logged, the UI will crash if the user does MENU>IceTV>Show log.

The cause is that in the construction of the error message, show["id"] is put into the error message. show["id"] is a Unicode string, and that forces the whole error message to be converted to Unicode. That also means that the result of "\n".join(fetcher.log) in showLog() will also be Unicode, and that will be passed as the text into a TextBox, which is expecting a UTF-8 encoded string.

The show["id"]values in the error messages should be show["id"].encode(”utf-8”).

Marked as a major bug because it can cause a UI crash, though the circumstances where that happens are normally rare.

Comments (1)

  1. Peter Urbanec

    Fix bug #761: [IceTV] Rare crash on Show logs

    Encode show["id"] as UTF-8 when reporting EPG time errors (start/end/duration) to prevent MENU>IceTV>Show log trying to display a Unicode string and crashing in MessageBox..

    Also encode show["id"] when reporting genre mapping errors. This error message also has the same problem.

    → <<cset c9434bbc2ab1>>

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