[IceTV] Improve portability as plugin

Issue #768 resolved
prl created an issue

The IceTV plugin depends on definitions of epgclock_icetv.png and timer_icetv.png in the skin, and requires the system ActionMap context DirectionActions to contain the non-standard chplus and chminus actions (they were added for the IceTV plugin).

The IceTV plugin could be made more portable by having local copies of the two pixmap files, and check for the pixmaps in the skin first, then in the plugin, and by having a local keymap.xml file to support the chplus/chminus actions for IceTV debug logging control.

Once the chplus/chminus actions are available for the plugin in its local keymap.xml, they could be removed from the system-wide keymap.xml if they are not referenced elsewhere.

Comments (4)

  1. prl reporter

    Fix issue #768: [IceTV] Improve portability as plugin


    The IceTV plugin depends on definitions of epgclock_icetv.png and timer_icetv.png in the skin, and requires the system ActionMap context DirectionActions to contain the non-standard chplus and chminus actions (they were added for the IceTV plugin).

    Make the IceTV plugin more portable by having local copies of the two pixmap files, and check for the pixmaps in the skin first, then in the plugin, and by having a local keymap.xml file to support the chplus/chminus actions for IceTV debug logging control.

    Now that the chplus/chminus actions are available for the plugin in its local keymap.xml, they could be removed from the system-wide keymap.xml if they are not referenced elsewhere.

    → <<cset 95665efb7f71>>

  2. prl reporter

    Fix issue #768: [IceTV] Improve portability as plugin - add files to Makefile.am

    Add the new files in the plugin to Makefile.am, and put the data files in variable dist_install_DATA instead of install_PYTHON for consistency with other pre-installed plugins.

    → <<cset a742f27fb161>>

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