[IceTV] genre remapping fails when translation is used

Issue #773 resolved
prl created an issue

In EPGFetcher.convertChanShows(), when a remapped IceTV genre name is compared with the name returned by genre.getGenreStringSub(), the latter has been translated, but the name from IceTV is in the original language, and if the current UI language is not English, then the comparison will always fail.

The IceTV genre name should also be translated. It should then match the translated genre name from getGenreStringSub(). This is an unusual case where translating a variable is correct.

Comments (2)

  1. prl reporter

    Fix bug #773: [IceTV] genre remapping fails when translation is used


    In EPGFetcher.convertChanShows(), translate a remapped IceTV genre name to compared it with the translated genre name returned by genre.getGenreStringSub().

    Translating the variable is correct in this instance, because all IceTV genre names should be extracted for translation from Components.Converters.genre.


    Bump version number

    → <<cset ed252506c8a7>>

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