Error rendering 'over-due-custom-field".

Issue #12 closed
Former user created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (20)

  1. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner

    Can you please upload a log file or let me know if you are seeing any errors in the JIRA log?

  2. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner

    I only see errors from another groovy calculated field. Can you provide specific log where you see errors generated for over-due-custom field?

  3. Ansar Rezaei
    2017-05-03 16:13:35,135 http-bio-80-exec-26 WARN rezaei.a 973x120255x1 bbmjdv /secure/QuickEditIssue!default.jspa [com.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] A LinkageError indicates that plugin code was compiled with outdated versions.  Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError - com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getResolution()Lcom/atlassian/jira/issue/resolution/Resolution;'.
    2017-05-03 16:13:38,651 http-bio-80-exec-26 WARN rezaei.a 973x120263x1 bbmjdv /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [com.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] A LinkageError indicates that plugin code was compiled with outdated versions.  Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError - com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getResolution()Lcom/atlassian/jira/issue/resolution/Resolution;'.
    2017-05-03 16:13:38,901 http-bio-80-exec-26 WARN rezaei.a 973x120265x1 bbmjdv /secure/AjaxIssueEditAction!default.jspa [com.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] A LinkageError indicates that plugin code was compiled with outdated versions.  Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError - com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getResolution()Lcom/atlassian/jira/issue/resolution/Resolution;'.
    2017-05-03 16:13:48,572 http-bio-80-exec-26 WARN rezaei.a 973x120273x1 bbmjdv /secure/AjaxIssueAction.jspa [com.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] A LinkageError indicates that plugin code was compiled with outdated versions.  Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError - com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getResolution()Lcom/atlassian/jira/issue/resolution/Resolution;'.
    2017-05-03 16:13:52,298 http-bio-80-exec-26 WARN rezaei.a 973x120290x2 bbmjdv /secure/AjaxIssueEditAction!default.jspa [com.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] A LinkageError indicates that plugin code was compiled with outdated versions.  Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError - com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue.getResolution()Lcom/atlassian/jira/issue/resolution/Resolution;'.
    2017-05-03 16:15:16,910 http-bio-80-exec-37 INFO rezaei.a 975x120307x1 bbmjdv /rest/plugins/1.0/com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue-key [atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager] Disabling com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue
    2017-05-03 16:15:26,910 http-bio-80-exec-14 INFO rezaei.a 975x120315x1 bbmjdv /rest/plugins/1.0/com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue-key [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Resolving 1 plugins
    2017-05-03 16:15:26,910 http-bio-80-exec-14 INFO rezaei.a 975x120315x1 bbmjdv /rest/plugins/1.0/com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue-key [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Enabling 1 plugins: [com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue]
    2017-05-03 16:15:27,035 http-bio-80-exec-14 INFO rezaei.a 975x120315x1 bbmjdv /rest/plugins/1.0/com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue-key [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Plugin 'com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue' immediately ENABLED
  4. Ansar Rezaei
    2017-05-03 14:24:18,618 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.loaders.ScanningPluginLoader] No plugins found to be installed
    2017-05-03 14:24:18,634 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Resolving 0 plugins
    2017-05-03 14:24:18,634 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Enabling 0 plugins: []
    2017-05-03 14:24:19,149 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Resolving 1 plugins
    2017-05-03 14:24:19,149 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Enabling 1 plugins: [com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue]
    2017-05-03 14:24:19,243 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Waiting for 1 plugins to finish ENABLING: [com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue]
    2017-05-03 14:24:19,243 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.util.WaitUntil] Plugins that have yet to be enabled: (1): [com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue], 60 seconds remaining
    2017-05-03 14:24:20,259 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-4 INFO rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Plugin 'com.stygian.jira.plugins.overdue' is now ENABLED
    2017-05-03 14:24:46,634 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-1 INFO rezaei.a 605x7929x3 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/installed-marketplace [atlassian.plugin.loaders.ScanningPluginLoader] No plugins found to be installed
    2017-05-03 14:24:46,634 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-1 INFO rezaei.a 605x7929x3 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/installed-marketplace [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Resolving 0 plugins
    2017-05-03 14:24:46,634 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-1 INFO rezaei.a 605x7929x3 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/installed-marketplace [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Enabling 0 plugins: []
    2017-05-03 14:24:46,978 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-1 INFO rezaei.a 605x7929x3 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/installed-marketplace [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Resolving 1 plugins
    2017-05-03 14:24:46,978 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-1 INFO rezaei.a 605x7929x3 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/installed-marketplace [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Enabling 1 plugins: [eu.mirrorlake.plugins.pc2d]
    2017-05-03 14:24:47,025 UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-1 INFO rezaei.a 605x7929x3 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/installed-marketplace [atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler] Plugin 'eu.mirrorlake.plugins.pc2d' immediately ENABLED
    2017-05-03 14:25:25,165 http-bio-80-exec-15 WARN rezaei.a 864x111055x5 is879o /secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa [atlassian.upm.pac.PacClientImpl] Error when querying application info from MPAC: com.atlassian.marketplace.client.MpacException: org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [,,] failed: connect timed out
    2017-05-03 14:25:25,853 http-bio-80-exec-23 WARN anonymous 865x111234x5 is879o /s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e-CDN/en_US-hyc5z7/64024/452/34fdc1c8f6885957eb9c3e058ec76f27/_/download/contextbatch/css/ [atlassian.plugin.servlet.AbstractDownloadableResource] Resource not found: Resource: com.tngtech.jira.plugins.schizophrenia /css/schizophrenia.css (null)
    2017-05-03 14:25:36,368 UpmScheduler:thread-4 WARN rezaei.a 707x13485x1 62envf /rest/plugins/1.0/available/featured [atlassian.upm.pac.PacClientImpl] Error when querying application info from MPAC: com.atlassian.marketplace.client.MpacException: org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [,,] failed: connect timed out
  5. David Mallon

    Hi I am seeing the same error with version 1.4 If ticket moves to resolved error appears, if the ticket is moved back to in progress the error is gone Regards David m

  6. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner

    Hi all,

    There are some changes to the API that affect this plugin between versions <6.4.x and >7.0.0. Since 6.4.x is EOL, I will be unable to provide any updates to earlier versions. Since this is a free add-on, I am maintaining it with a best possible effort approach.

    Please ensure that you provide your JIRA versions when raising these issues.

    David, can you please confirm which JIRA version you are experiencing this issue on? If it is JIRA Core/SW/JDC and if it is Server/DC and specific version number. Any logs, screenshots would be helpful too.

    Thank you Bhushan

  7. David Mallon

    Hi Bhushan, thanks for your reply JIRA Software (Server) Build 7.3.5 Build Number 73016

    01 (not_configured) 2017-06-28 14:22:31,372 http-nio-80-exec-10 ERROR build admin 862x1243366x1 15szqc5 /secure/CommentAssignIssue.jspa [c.o.scriptrunner.customfield.GroovyCustomField]

    2017-06-28 14:22:31,373 http-nio-80-exec-10 ERROR build admin 862x1243366x1 15szqc5 /secure/CommentAssignIssue.jspa [c.o.scriptrunner.customfield.GroovyCustomField] Script field failed on issue: TEST-170, field: Closed Date groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager.getChangeHistoryManager() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] at 2017-06-28 14:22:31,414 http-nio-80-exec-35 WARN build admin 862x1243367x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 2017-06-28 14:22:31,468 http-nio-80-exec-35 WARN build admin 862x1243367x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 2017-06-28 14:22:31,482 http-nio-80-exec-35 WARN build admin 862x1243367x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,588 http-nio-80-exec-6 WARN build admin 862x1243368x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueEditAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 28-Jun-2017 14:22:32.651 WARNING [http-nio-80-exec-16] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI http://ictissues/rest/issueNav/1/issueTable/stable, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,659 http-nio-80-exec-33 WARN build admin 862x1243371x2 15szqc5 /rest/com.onresolve.jira.plugin.Behaviours/1.0/behaviours/validators.json [c.o.jira.groovy.Behaviour] Could not find field with key: customfield_13200 28-Jun-2017 14:22:32.660 WARNING [http-nio-80-exec-36] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI http://ictissues/rest/issueNav/1/issueTable/stable, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,668 http-nio-80-exec-33 WARN build admin 862x1243371x2 15szqc5 /rest/com.onresolve.jira.plugin.Behaviours/1.0/behaviours/validators.json [c.o.jira.groovy.Behaviour] Could not find field with key: customfield_13200 2017-06-28 14:22:32,672 http-nio-80-exec-31 WARN build admin 862x1243370x1 15szqc5 /rest/dev-status/1.0/issue/summary [c.a.j.p.devstatus.provider.DefaultCoordinator] mfecdev01 (not_configured) 2017-06-28 14:22:32,777 http-nio-80-exec-15 WARN build admin 862x1243374x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,827 http-nio-80-exec-15 WARN build admin 862x1243374x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,840 http-nio-80-exec-15 WARN build admin 862x1243374x1 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,923 http-nio-80-exec-28 WARN build admin 862x1243376x2 15szqc5 /secure/AjaxIssueEditAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'. 28-Jun-2017 14:22:32.954 WARNING [http-nio-80-exec-21] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI http://ictissues/rest/issueNav/1/issueTable/stable, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected. 2017-06-28 14:22:32,960 http-nio-80-exec-24 WARN build admin 862x1243379x4 15szqc5 /rest/com.onresolve.jira.plugin.Behaviours/1.0/behaviours/validators.json [c.o.jira.groovy.Behaviour] Could not find field with key: customfield_13200 2017-06-28 14:22:33,987 http-nio-80-exec-8 WARN build admin 862x1243378x3 15szqc5 /rest/dev-status/1.0/issue/summary [c.a.j.p.devstatus.provider.DefaultCoordinator] mfecdev01 (not_configured) 2017-06-28 14:22:33,989 http-nio-80-exec-24 WARN build admin 862x1243379x4 15szqc5 /rest/com.onresolve.jira.plugin.Behaviours/1.0/behaviours/validators.json [c.o.jira.groovy.Behaviour] Could not find field with key: customfield_13200 2017-06-28 14:22:34,076 http-nio-80-exec-18 WARN RXT9 862x1243381x1 1wctf39 /secure/AjaxIssueEditAction!default.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'java.lang.NullPointerException - null'.

    David Mallon Build Administrator Business Technology Services Phone +61 3 9628 6113 Mobile +61 419 343 313 Email

  8. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner

    Hi David,

    Can you please confirm if the version you are using is from the Marketplace, or the version downloaded from

    There seems to be some versioning mismatch. Request you to try downloading the jar from the link provided and let me know if it has fixed the issue.

    I will then release the appropriate version to the Marketplace. Thanks for your help on this.

    Thanks Bhushan

  9. David Mallon

    Hi Bhushan, after installing the version you provided there is no longer an error message when the ticket is resolved. Once a ticket is resolved the due date indicator field is no longer displayed, It then reappears if the ticket is reopened. Thank You David

  10. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner

    Thanks for confirming David. I will be releasing it as version 1.5 and including support for JIRA 7.4.0. Thanks all for your patience and help in debugging this issue. Please update to version 1.5 once available on the Marketplace, following which I will be closing this issue and Issue #10.

  11. Bhushan Nagaraj repo owner

    All, please update to version 1.5. I have also added a new feature to display due in/since in Hours if it is due in 48 hours or since 48 hours. Thanks for reporting the issues. Would really appreciate rating the add-on on the Marketplace if you haven't already.

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