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Not Reporter Workflow Plugin / Home

Logo Not Reporter, Not In Project Role Or Group Jira Workflow Plugin

The plugin provides the following conditions and validators:

  1. Not Reporter Condition
  2. Not Assignee Condition
  3. User Not In Project Role Condition
  4. User Not In Group Condition
  5. Not Reporter Validator
Please use the latest version of the plugin.


This plugin will NOT be available through the Atlassian Marketplace.

Download the plugin jar from the source/target folder. For plugin installation instructions, click here.

Check out my other JIRA plugins which you may find useful. These are available through the Atlassian Marketplace.

Sub-task Assign plugin

Copy Comments plugin

Configuring your workflow to use the plugin

Not Reporter Condition

  1. Login to JIRA as administrator and go to Administration.
  2. Click on workflows and select the workflow you would like to edit.
  3. Click on the transition you would like to apply the condition to.
  4. In the screenshot below, I am selecting "In Progress" transition.
  5. Click on "Conditions" and click "Add".
  6. Select "Not Reporter Condition" and click "Add".
  7. Save and publish the workflow.

Not Reporter Validator

  1. Login to JIRA as administrator and go to Administration.
  2. Click on workflows and select the workflow you would like to edit.
  3. Click on the transition you would like to apply the condition to.
  4. In the screenshot below, I am selecting "In Progress" transition.
  5. Click on "Validators" and click "Add.
  6. Select "Not Reporter Validator" and click "Add".
  7. Save and publish the workflow.

Not In Group Condition

  1. Login to JIRA as administrator and go to Administration.
  2. Click on workflows and select the workflow you would like to edit.
  3. Click on the transition you would like to apply the condition to.
  4. In the screenshot below, I am selecting "In Progress" transition.
  5. Click on "Conditions" and click "Add".
  6. Select "User Not In Group Condition" and click "Add".
  7. Select the groups and click "Add".
  8. Save and publish the workflow.

Not In Project Role Condition

  1. Login to JIRA as administrator and go to Administration.
  2. Click on workflows and select the workflow you would like to edit.
  3. Click on the transition you would like to apply the condition to.
  4. In the screenshot below, I am selecting "In Progress" transition.
  5. Click on "Conditions" and click "Add".
  6. Select "User Not In Project Role Condition" and click "Add".
  7. Select the groups and click "Add".
  8. Save and publish the workflow.
