Change hot key

Issue #17 resolved
Yishay Mor created an issue

Bibsonomy chrome extension uses Ctrl+B as a hotkey. Given that most editors use this key for bold font - this is very annoying. It means the functionality of all web-based editors (e.g. google docs, email) is crippled when bibsonomy is active.

Comments (2)

  1. Martin Becker

    Hi Yishay Yishai,

    I agree that the shortcut may not be optimal. I would be happy about alternative suggestions.

    In the meantime, the shortcut is customizable: go to the "chrome://extensions/" page, scroll to the very bottom and use the "Keyboard shortcuts" to adjust the shortcut.

  2. Martin Becker

    In the latest version I have changed the hotkey to Ctrl+Space. For programmers this is still a little awkward as they try to do code completion all the time, but I hope this will be OK. If not please feel free to comment.

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